Birth Reflection Session
Are you struggling with memories of your birth experience? Perhaps you feel triggered when you hear other people's birth stories? You might feel sad, angry, frustrated, maybe you even blame yourself for what happened?
This one off 60 or 90 minute session gives you space without interruptions, without comments of 'at least you have a healthy baby' and without needing to listen to other birth stories. The focus is just on you and your experience.
Together we make sense of the impact this has had on you, we explore why you feel this way and we validate those feelings.
You leave feeling heard, feeling lighter and feeling more in control of your thoughts around it.
What Happens in a Birth Reflection Session?
Prior to our Session
If you book a free 20 minute call before booking we'll discuss what you'd like to gain from the session. Everyone has different aims, it might be that you want to be able to tell your story. It might be that you've done a birth revisited session with your hospital and you would like to speak to someone outside of that system. Maybe you're angry and you're not sure why or what to do with that anger.
If you wish to book straight on to a session without the free call I'll send you an email with a couple of questions around what you'd like to gain from the session.
Whatever it is for you, this gives me an idea of what we're aiming for, so that, if you'd like me to, I can guide us to that goal.
You might not know what you want from the session but you know you need it and that's okay too. If that's the case we'll start wherever it feels most comfortable for you.
Similarly you might feel comfortable talking about the specific events of your birth experience or you may not, and we'll discuss this also. This means you are in control, I know this in advance and we don't have to talk about anything you don't wish to. ​
During the Session
Every birth reflection session looks slightly different because we all have different experiences and different ways we feel comfortable talking about things, so I make sure the space is used in a way that feels secure for you.
At the start of the session we'll briefly go over what you want to gain from the session. I'll then invite you to tell me how you're feeling, how your birth experience is impacting you now and to share your story if that's something you feel comfortable doing.
If you're not sure where to start, I'll help guide you.
You are in control the whole time. You can stop, start, go back and forth, go on to a different topic, it doesn't have to be a neat linear retelling. Our brains usually process things in messy ways!
After the Session
I always encourage you to plan some space for you after our session, whether that's going for a walk, sitting with a hot drink or staring out of the window, just something that feels right for you. Giving your mind time between our session and going back to your child, your to do list etc allows you return to day to day life gently, to process the session and settle into how you're feeling.
A week after our session I send you a follow up email, checking in. This email and can be useful if there are things we discussed that you were hoping to do or put in place, and you would like some gentle encouragement or a reminder. It's also helpful if questions arise for you after our session that you'd like to ask. If they're answerable by email or a quick call I will endeavour to do this. Sometimes you might feel there are other things you want to talk about and if that's the case we can book you in for another session.